Discover the nr 1 of wines in Sicily

.Lately I have a great demand for wines from southern Italy.

Among these researches the name of Sicily stands out.

This is the collection of wines dedicated to the most famous names in Southern Italy and is called Vitis Nostra.

It is the only wine with the label that incorporates the famous majolica.

Majolica are the ancient hand-decorated ceramics.

Today I want to introduce you to Nero d’Avola.

Hello, I’m Francesco from Acri Wine Service and I take care

to help importers:

wholesalers, distributors and shops,

to find the wine that suits your needs.

Nero d’Avola is still today the indigenous grape variety (typical and native of the place) most cultivated in Sicily.

Its name derives from the ancient Sicilian dialect which originally was Calaulisi which means: Cala or Rracina or grape and Aulisi from Aula.

Together they form the Grape d’Avola.

Its color is bright red,

 the nose is rich in red berry fruit.

On the palate it is ample with soft tannins and fruity notes,

and a chocolate finish.

It is one of the few red wines that, if drunk young, can be paired with fish dishes for example: Sicilian tuna and grilled swordfish.

Also recommended as an aperitif and with aged cheese such as Ragusano DOP.

               The words of the Sicilian winemaker.

One day in early spring (not this year) I was in Sicily for work. I was in a vineyard near Syracuse.

I was waiting to meet the winemaker, owner of the vineyard.

I remember very well the words he said to me:

 “There are only 3 types of wine that do not have to do with white and red

 and rosé…. “

“There is bad wine that is not good, which you will no longer want to drink because you don’t like it”.

“There is good wine, which you like and will want to drink again”.

“Finally, there is the wine that is an excellent masterpiece that has left an impression on you. And you remember its scent and its color.

    You will surely want to drink this wine again! “



When someone says these words to you, you remember them for quite some time.


I am pleased to share them with you, and I hope you will not forget them when you taste Nero d’Avola Doc Vitis Nostra.




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